Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wine Wednesday I

 Over a bottle of wine, many a friend is found.
                                                              ~Yiddish proverb

I like wine. I really like wine. A LOT.

There is a  misconception that I'm some type of wine expert. (not true) But I really like wine.

Case in point. When I went into my favorite wine/liquor store yesterday there was a new woman working. She passes me a few times, focusing on her tasks. Then she comes by and exclaims,
Um....thanks (flattered-I think), but uh, no.

And just so you know, I frequent this GREAT establishment often.  Even though they do NOT have the absolute lowest prices, NOR the most knowledgeable (wine) staff, NOR a HUGE inventory.
However, they DO have friendly and helpful people.
They ARE also very unpretentious (this is important to me).
They WILL order whatever new and exotic wine I request (if they can get it-SILLY Oklahoma wine laws)  
Yes. I text pictures to my wine shop and they graciously accommodate me.

AND they think I'm a wine expert. (Although slightly untrue-it's not bad for my ego.)

In the big picture, I know very little about wine. But I do know a few things. For example, did you know that wine is produced on every continent in the world except for Antarctica?
And there's about 932 different varietals. From Abbuoto (Italy) to Zweigelt (Austria). Did you think Zinfandel would be the end of the list?
Soooooo I may need to fact check the exact number. There IS a lot to know about to make me a, so called expert, which, I repeat, I am not.

But I do know a little... I know what I do and don't like. I've done my fair share (and yours AND your sister's) of drinking wine. So I DO have some real world experience and have established some rules/guidelines for drinking wine. I am also very interested in learning. So not only do I drink wine, but I read about it as well. And I don't mind sharing my experience with those willing to listen.

Here's the beginning of a loooooong list. There will be a more comprehensive list in the near future. Detailing things such as pairings (scary), varietals, history, etc. But for now, here's a few tips:
  1. If it smells like dirty feet, don't drink it. (also smelling like BO or armpits would apply as well)
  2. It doesn't have to be expensive to be good (or great) wine.
  3. Don't be afraid to try a new/different wine. What's the worst thing that could happen?
  4. Wine shared with a friend can be the best therapy. Also it could save you $$$ on therapy.
  5. Use your good stemware! And drink that "good" bottle of wine! Think of today as "that special occasion" If you actually wake up, then that's "special occasion" worthy.
  6. If/When in Europe i.e. France, Spain, Italy, etc. drink the house wine. What you drink for 3-5 euros ($5-10US) may very well be the best thing you drink that day or perhaps ever. (Not exclusive to Europe either)
  7. You don't need special or particular glassware to drink wine. Sometimes a plastic cup leaves the best memories. 
  8. Always touch the glass of all present and say "Cheers!" (or "Skol! Proust! Campai! Slainte'! Chin! Chin!"-whatever is  befitting) and look whoever you're with directly in the eyes. (Or according to El Salvadoran tradition, it could ruin your sex life-are you willing to risk it?)
  9. Know your limits and drink responsibly. (really this should be #1)
  10. Rose' is now back in fashion. (this is not the white zin of yesteryear)
  11. Drink what you like and on your terms. You might like your white less chilled or perhaps your red slightly cool. (I'll try not to be judgy about that)
  12. Champagne is always appropriate and never goes out of style.
So yeah, this is only the beginning. It's not sacred wine law or anything. Some of it is wisdom and knowledge gleaned over the years. Mostly it's just my observations.

I hope you enjoy it. Stay tuned for more on the next Wine Wednesday.


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Moon Day

This morning after my yoga practice and my meditation, I realized it was a "Moon Day".

Full moon through the palm tree in El Salvador
Oh Nooooooo!!! BAD Yogi! There's no asana practice on a "Moon Day".

Typically, when there is a full or new moon, you take a little holiday from your normal daily yoga practice. Some people still DO practice but there is much debate on the subject.
I'm not getting into all of that. But it got me thinking. Can you still practice Yoga on a "Moon Day"?

As I was meditating and setting my intention, I really thought about kindness.
Lifted from Andrew's Facebook.
My teacher, Andrew Eppler, taught me many things.
Sanskrit, postures, anatomy, etc.
But one of his many recurring themes was "be kind".
(Side note-my mother tried to teach me the same thing but I didn't always listen to her, but now I am, so thanks Mom).

Such Simple Words. Yet so hard to fulfill.

Do you have any idea how hard that is? I used to think I was soooooo very kind and nice and sweet. (BUT DO NOT ASK MY BROTHER ABOUT THIS!) Until I began to really exam myself. Maybe I'm not as kind as I thought. Does everyone feel like this? Do we really even think about it that much? Or do we just power through our daily lives with no real thought about how we treat others, or treat ourselves for that matter?

Anyways, I try to be conscientious of it and today in particular. So I sent a text to my neighbor, who I haven't seen in a while to check on her.
And there it was...her beautiful words, "how kind of you to ask". (That counts, right?)

So yeah.
   I practiced yoga today.
      I practiced being kind.
It's called practice for a reason.

I think that the powers that be. God, Guruji, the moon, my mother, would all approve. I'm a work in progress, but I'll keep on practicing.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Livin', Lovin', and SUP-Pin'

My heart is pounding!   I'm about to jump off of a cliff.

No, wait!

Maybe it's more like losing my virginity. There IS only one first time. It should be special. I should be prepared and completely ready.

Maybe I should wait, but my friends say it's awesome! That once the deed is done, it gets better and it can be addictive. (HHmmmm. So enticing!)

Various reading material says the first time is uncomfortable. Possibly it could hurt, but it definitely gets better. My mind nags, why go through all of the pain?

I'm SOOOOO conflicted! My mind says no, but then again....

What AM I talking about here?

UMmm. (cough/blushing) I'm only referring to blogging/writing.

Friends and family, and even a few people I've only just met, have mentioned in conversation that I should write. WHAT??? Me? A writer? Oh, I don't know. That's really scary!

What if people don't like it?
What if I'm ridiculed or criticized?
What would my family say?

Well I say... Here goes nothing!

Let's face some fears today! I'm ALL about trying new things!
Hmmmm. Now what to write about?????

My brain is about to explode. The possibilities are endless. The list must be narrowed!
Well, I DO love LIFE!  I LOOO-HOVE to try new things! I LOVE to travel! And yoga and SUP, aka stand up paddleboarding.
This is SUP or Stand Up Paddleboard
Gardening and nature and animals.

  OooooHhhh, I really LOVE wine and food!
Market in Banbury, England

Junk! Yep, I love Junk!
This was free. Can you believe it?!?!

Repurposing and recycling and did I mention my "real" job? Home renovation? Yeah,which, by the way, is not one tiny bit like the stuff they show you on HGTV! Which is okay. Because it helped me along my path. I always knew, since I was a little girl, that I wanted to do home reno-I just didn't know that's what it was called.

So what I want to write about is life and these things that I love the most. Travel, and the adventures that ensue, SUP, yoga, or a combination of the two, flowers and gardening, food and wine and I'm sure I'll sneak something in about my awesome dogs, and stuff about junk and renovating and probably, on occasion, some other random tidbits that have been rolling around in my brain. Did I mention I tend to ramble on and sometimes use a run on sentence? (although not too often because it's pet peeve #91)

So I guess this is it. (DEEP BREATH)

I guess I'm about to lose my, um, (cough) "V card", so to speak.  So seriously. What's the worst thing that could happen? (I could remain the 40-year old writer virgin and live in ignorant bliss. Oh! The Horror!) Perhaps no one likes it or reads it. Well when put that way, I've gone through FAR worse struggles.

So here goes. I guess this marks the beginning of my blog.

My life as a writer...

One time counts, right?